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Tips on Facebook Marketing

Tips on Facebook marketing are needed by brands because of the changes to its News Feed algorithm. Now users have more control on determining what content is most relevant to them. Companies need to post interesting content to stand out from the rest. We compiled 7 Facebook marketing tips to optimise your content.

Seven Tips on Facebook Marketing
  1. Content
    Every content you post is an opportunity to increase your engagement with your target audience. It is more effective to show that you’re not afraid to show your human side. Companies who do gains 39% more engagement with their target readers.
  2. Post timing
    Research what time it is most effective for you to post. Track what time of day your fans are most active. Focus on your engagements during these times.
  3. Moderation
    One wrong post can ruin a company’s reputation. Make sure that your Facebook community adheres to your business values. There shouldn’t be any advertorial content, abuse, harassment, derogatory or offensive language, or threatening posts. However, it is considered a bad practice to erase customer complaints, negative commentary, and critical statements. You can use these points to improve your products and services. Just be sure to answer these kinds of posts respectfully.
  4. Engagement
    Interact with your customers. Join in their conversation. Make the most of the platform by engaging with your clients. Make it a habit of tagging your clients by name to make them feel valued.
  5. Messages
    Your customers expect same-day responses from you so make sure to check your Facebook inbox regularly.
  6. Community
    Make sure that your audience’s engagement experience on Facebook is as good as what’s happening in real life. We want them to move toward customer advocacy and brand evangelism.
  7. Credibility
    How to build trust on Facebook? Grammar and spelling should be at par ALL the time. Fact-check anything you post online. Make sure that the links that you are not sharing malicious links. Be tactful and classy. Never spam your audience.
  8. Page favourites
    You can mark other brand pages as favourites on your company page. Doing so will help promote your partners, good causes, and other corporate advocacies.