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5 Tips to Secure Your Content Management System

The advent of technology and the continuous influx of modernisation paved the way for the internet’s transformation. Its transfiguration is highly manifested in the manner that is used today. What was once used to serve military purposes is now being utilised in the creation of the global village, where geographical borders no longer exist.

Along with the internet is a recurring problem which seems to be highly irreconcilable. It has been often tagged as one of the main causes of system crashes and internet congestion and constant attack to your Content Management Systems. This is spam. The problem regarding spam has been a perpetual bane to many internet users. Unsolicited emails keep pouring rain. To say that SPAMs effects are felt in individualistic terms is an understatement. Businesses and Internet Service Providers (ISP) are also affected by it.

Hackers can take over your hosting email account and use it to send a massive email spam campaign, which will make your hosting provider suspend your service. The annoyance caused by these unsolicited messages negatively affects the productivity, not only of individuals but also of businesses, and mostly, of ISPs. This is why addressing this item is of utmost importance for ISPs.

  1. Protect the administrator back-end of your website with a password

    Everybody knows how to access a WordPress website back-end using /wp-admin or a Joomla website back-end using /administrator. It is crucial for you to hide the administrator back-end to email spam filter your CMS. Watch this video tutorial Joomla! 3 How to hide the administrator back-end to learn this procedure.

  2. Set up a firewall

    Firewalls secure your site and also help you monitor suspicious activities and provide you with the IP address related to such activities. Afterwards, you can then blacklist that IP address – a total spam stopper.

  3. Constantly upgrade

    Keep your Content Management System (CMS) and extensions up-to-date. Also, make sure upgrades are compatible with your system before making them and remember to backup before doing any updates.

  4. Backup your system

    Keep a backup system from where to recover your website and keep it up-to-date. Read this article on Backup your Joomla site regularly to ensure redundancy in case of an error.

  5. Get an SSL

    Getting an SSL on your domain is a great idea because it will secure your website at the same time it will also help the site rank higher in the search engines. This will act as your anti-spam appliance.
